Greater Houston Counseling Services

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What is Anxiety? How Does Therapy Help Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common human emotion that originated to keep us safe. If we felt anxious about a spider who appeared to be a threat, anxiety would tell us to move a safe distance away to avoid being bitten. As we’ve evolved, our anxieties have too; now we usually worry about things like that upcoming work deadline, relationships, and how we are showing up as humans overall.

Anxiety can become problematic when it feels out of our control and consistently takes us out of the present moment and into worrying about the future or past. Sometimes, feelings of anxiety escalate into anxiety attacks which can disrupt our lives and make us feel like we have no control over our bodies. This can make it difficult to sleep, relax, and connect with others. For some, anxiety shows up as personality traits of people pleasing and perfectionism. For instance, saying yes when you mean no and consistently putting your needs last.

As an anxiety therapist who has struggled with anxiety herself, I have firsthand insights to best help you. Above all else, I am dedicated to exploring your unique symptoms so you can get the relief you deserve. Below are a few common traits I see when helping clients work through anxiety.

  • Thinking of the worst-case scenario and believing it will happen

  • Procrastinating tasks because you feel like you won’t do them perfectly

  • Struggling to set boundaries because they feel mean

  • Physical symptoms like heart racing, chest pain, unexplained stomach pains

  • You think, “what’s the point in doing anything if I’m not going to get it 100% right?”

  • Past mistakes are difficult for you to move on from and involve lots of internal shame

  • Feeling stuck on repetitive negative thoughts

How counseling for anxiety can help you!

I believe each person’s relationship with anxiety is unique. Therefore, we will work to understand how your anxiety is showing up in your day-to-day life and begin implementing tools to provide you with immediate relief. I use evidence-based practices to achieve this, like mindfulness-based self-compassion and dialectical behavior therapy. Some common themes in these practices are

  • Learning to be less judgmental towards yourself, your emotions, and others

  • Acceptance skills over things outside of our control

  • Increasing awareness of how our emotions show up physically and mentally so we can respond more effectively.

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Final Thoughts

Sometimes, anxiety symptoms can become overwhelming, and intense fear and nervousness can interfere with your daily life. If you’re struggling with excessive anxiety, it’s essential to place your mental health in the right person’s hands.