Crush Your Future NOW | Quick Exercise For Smart Goal Setting
What you will get from this article:
Learn about your brain
Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI
6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp
Goal setting
Smart goal setting
Let's Start with the basics.
The overlooked Secrets that only success hungry people will use.
The number of considerations given to topics such as personal growth, self-improvement, and self-development is just astounding. Virtually millions of people desire to enhance their lives in some shape or form! And each person deserves to be capable of changing their life. Thus, Here is the most overlooked approach that will serve anyone well on their journey.
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”
The Power of your brain
Years ago, the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, “Doctor, what is wrong with people?” The renowned doctor was silent for a while, then he replied, “People simply do not think!” Why do we limit the use of our brains and limit our thinking? The brain is truly a superb mechanism. It is competent in processing eight hundred inputs per second for seventy-five years without depleting itself.
Scientists suggest that we as humans use approximately 2 percent of our brainpower that is available to us. Also, keep in mind that we are all equal and have the same 2% all across. As a society, a remarkable number of us have chosen not to utilize this powerful tool. We chose to let others do our thinking for us. Why is this? Ask yourself this question.
Have You Ever Wondered
But is he right. I like the question that he has asked, but how much of your brain do we use in reality? If you have ever believed in the 2 or 10% brain myth, you might be shocked to hear that we, as humans, actually use virtually all and every part of our brains. Furthermore, throughout an average day, you use nearly 100% of your brain.
“The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.”
Researchers who have examined the brain with magnetic resonance imaging or (MRI) technology have discovered no dormant brain parts. Most of our brain is active virtually all of the time, and it is actively processing information.
This all makes sense when you acknowledge the significance of your brain and its power to our life. Even though your brain only makes up 3-5% of our body's weight, it uses up an unbelievable 20% of its resources in terms of oxygen and glucose.
😌 So, Don't think that you don't have the power. Actually, you do! All that you need is powerful steps in order to utilize the entire brain 😌
6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp at any age 😇
Everyone has expressed the moment that they may be gone into their room, and now they can't remember why or even at times can't remember a name during a simple conversation. This is because their mind is not trained and not focused. Out memory, lapses can happen at any time, age, or situation, and remember that aging alone is generally not a cause of the cognitive decline we experience.
However, when vital memory loss happens among older adults, it is usually not due to aging but an organic disorder, brain injury, or even neurological illness. Research has revealed that you can help counter cognitive decline and decrease the chance of dementia with some basic good habits:
Stay active
Get enough sleep
Stop smoking
Have good social relationships
Limit your alcohol intake
Eating a healthy diet
Our memory and other cognitive changes can sometimes be frustrating, yet the good news is that you can now learn how to prepare your mind to stay active due to decades of research. There are many approaches we can use to help maintain our cognitive fitness. So, set your goals and keep up with them.
Keep learning
Use all your senses
Believe in yourself
Prioritize your brain use
Repeat what you want to know
Never stop growling
Now let’s talk about goal setting 🪴
Goal setting is truly vital to all of us since it can help you decide and even focus on what is important. Effective and realistic goal setting also lets you measure every progress you make, even overcome procrastination, and help you visualize your dreams. If you are unsure what you like to accomplish, you can't create a plan to get there. But if you follow on advice, you can master your life and start the life you dream of having. This is the process, and it is the most overlooked secret to getting what you want.
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.”
Goal setting can seem somewhat varied depending on an individual’s lifestyle, decisions, and meaning of success. Your goals are truly unique to you and don’t require you to look like anyone else’s.
Traditionally the classic goal-setting definition surges down to the method of recognizing something you want to achieve and setting measurable objectives plus realistic timeframes on them to help you achieve such goals. Goal setting can assist you in several areas of your life, from reaching financial independence to even assuming a new healthy diet. When we learn how to set goals in our life, it becomes easier to set them in other areas.
Setting common goals that provide small wins encourages you to move on to larger accomplishments. These small goals lead to growth. In the video below, I clearly explain how one needs to set goals and find the right goal that can help them achieve their ultimate freedom.
What are some goal examples?
Lifetime goal: Move to California and find a job in media and grow my youTube channel!
Long-term goals:
Graduate from school.
Get accepted into a program.
Save up money.
Get certification.
Learn how to speak a foreign language.
Learn a music instrument.
get in shape.
Short-term goals:
Research a program that I like.
Start a language course.
Be minimal.
Start waking up early.
Open up a savings account.
Do more yoga
Get a part-time job.
You get the idea, we have 3 type of goals, see what is it that you like and start making your list.
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
The SMART goal setting 🤩
Bam! Now can you see how precise, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound a smart goal was? This approach can seriously help you visualize precisely how to achieve them—and be the person that you always dreamed of being!
Now no doubt you should understand and see the power of setting a SMART goal. Want to score high on your exams or start a new career, or do what you always wanted to do. Whatever your goals are, know they are truly reachable. All you need is the right plan of action.
Word of advice: it is quite normal not to reach a goal on day one. Goals can be fluid, or sometimes they end up taking a bit longer than you planned. It happens, well, it happened to me. But know that this is not the end of the world or your ambitions. If I want to be successful, I have learned that I must learn to re-group, adjust or even make a new smaller goal, and keep them the SMART way.
The Science & Psychology Of Goal-Setting 101
All effective goals are:
A – Achievable
B – Believable
C – Committed
Goal-setting is a psychological means for enhancing productivity that concerns five rules or criteria, known as the S-M-A-R-T rule. George T. Doran issued this rule in 1981 in a management research paper of the Washington Power Company, and I have to say that it is by far one of the most famous propositions of the psychology of goals.
Need Help Setting Goals? I Can Help
As goals are set, it’s essential to ensure that they’re measurable and have a designated time frame. As you hold yourself responsible for a plan in place, you’ll likely observe that each step wasn’t as daunting as you thought it would be, and every achievement brings you one step closer to success.
And, if you just need a little more push, let me help you. I am here to guide you, provide you the tools, resources and even be a sounding board along your way. Learn more about my programs and the power that they can bring to your life.