Ehsan Adib Shabahang

A new therapy model built for you.

I walk alongside you in order to hear and help you in a way that brings about lasting change. By focusing on finding the heart of the struggle, I am able to develop realistic and helpful solutions together.

What I Think Works Best!

I believe in the inherent potential of individuals and view life as a battle. Success is not predetermined, nor are any advantages guaranteed. Every person has the opportunity to fight and persevere. Throughout my education and life experiences, I've learned that our responsibility is to provide as much support as needed while giving as little support as possible, allowing others to grow according to their own path.

In our lives, we often depend on others when faced with challenges. This reliance can have both positive and negative consequences. While therapists undoubtedly offer valuable assistance to clients, it is crucial to maintain boundaries and avoid pushing specific solutions.

As such, it's essential to establish and reevaluate our boundaries, assessing our roles at various stages during the therapeutic process. In the current pandemic landscape, staying vigilant about these boundaries is particularly important.

Moreover, as I cannot directly observe your reactions in real life, there can be ethical challenges compared to face-to-face interactions. The task lies in identifying the most suitable intervention for each individual based on their responses. Though remote communication has its limitations, its benefits, such as increased accessibility, must also be acknowledged and embraced.

Not sure what you need?

In My Practice:

In my practice, I focus on incorporating three distinct psychotherapy models to create a comprehensive approach.

Gestalt Therapy serves as the primary method, while Person-Centered Therapy enables clients to focus on the present and understand the shaping of their lives, rather than dwelling on the past.

Additionally, I integrate Reality Therapy, a client-centered cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy that helps clients concentrate on present circumstances without discussing past events. Lastly, I incorporate Positive Psychotherapy, a model that emphasizes using inner resources to overcome challenges.

By combining these approaches, I foster a positive relationship centered on the "now," allowing you to recognize your strengths and the impact you have on your life. To accommodate situations where these methods may not be ideal, I also include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in my practice, offering accessible and practical tools tailored to your needs.

I am thrilled to be a part of your next steps and to provide assistance to those who need it on their journey towards growth and well-being.