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A collection of blogs, resources, videos, and stories to help you effectively manage your daily challenges and achieve emotional well-being.
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The Effects of Social Media on Our Cognition
Frequent use is perceived as alienating with negative side effects. Problems can arise when social networks become a virtual simulation of reality.
What is an Individual Therapy session, and How does it Work?
Individual therapy is a joint process between a therapist and you in therapy. Your goals in therapy can be to inspire, change, or improve your quality of life.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that combines strategies like mindfulness and acceptance.
Eating Disorders And The Impact of Family Dynamics Research
There is more to eating disorders than inherited genetics, personality, and missing coping skills. This review is an in-depth analysis of the impact of family dynamics on eating disorders.
Why Your Diet Might Be a Big Deal for Your Mental Health
Having a healthy, whole, and well-balanced diet full of vegetables and nutrients can improve your sense of well-being and mood, mental health fluctuations, overall happier outlook, and an improved ability to focus.
A Guide to Cognitive Behavior Therapy
CBT is founded on the belief that how we think (cognitions), how we feel (emotions) and how we act (behaviors) all interact together. Our beliefs define our feelings and our behavior.
What Does "Affirming" Mean?
Affirming an identity or an experience simply means I accept, encourage, validate, and defend it against those who challenge it.
6 Habits to Improve Mental Health
Healthy lifestyle changes can help you manage your anxiety and stress levels, and take charge of your mental wellbeing. Here is 6 Simple Habits you can use to improve mental health today.
Crush Your Future NOW | Quick Exercise For Smart Goal Setting
Setting realistic goals gives you the power to create your ideal future, the way you want to see you, and I have the answer.
11 Habits That Will Change Your Life
Good habits are truly a positive behavior that you can continually practice. In this post I will share with you 14 habits that you can practice.